CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Youth Survey of Civic Engagement 2002

May 29th, 2002
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The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Youth Survey of Civic Engagement 2002
Fielded: January 29 – February 25, 2002.
This was a nationwide Internet-based survey conducted by Knowledge Networks.
This dataset was one of three surveys that formed the basis for the following report:
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: A Generational Portrait

Additional information and files available with this survey include:
national_youth_survey_ce_2002.sav (SPSS data file)

2 Responses to “The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Youth Survey of Civic Engagement 2002”

  1. Melissa Bowman Says:

    I am a graduate student at GWU, and was trying to access the raw data, codebook, and SPSS data file for th Nation Youth Survey of Civic Engagement, 2002, but the links on the page seem to be broken. Can you please respond to this email address and let me know how to access this data set? Thank you, MB

  2. ecash opinions review Says:

    ecash opinions review…

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