The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Civic Engagement Survey II, Fall 2002
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: National Civic Engagement Survey II, Fall 2002
Fielded: November 14 – 20, 2002, by random digit dial. with a sample size of 1400.
This dataset was one of three surveys that formed the basis for the following report:
The Civic and Political Health of the Nation: A Generational Portrait
- Questionnaire and Toplines: ncesIIfall02_qstnr.pdf
- For the codebook click here.
Additional information and files available with this survey include:
A Disposition of the survey (Final sample status and completion rate)
A list of Frequencies (Principal indicators of civic engagement)
NCES II fall 2002.sav (SPSS data file)
Syntax.sps (Logic for created variables in data file)
January 24th, 2010 at 8:47 am
Political issues regarding PRO universal health care in the US?
What are the political issues in creating a universal health care system in the US?