CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Working Paper 55: Civic Measurement Models: Tapping Adolescents’ Civic Engagement

May 29th, 2007
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by Constance A. Flanagan, Amy K. Syversten, and Michael D. Stoutgraph

May 2007

“The goal of this project was to produce a set of civic measures with good psychometric properties that are appropriate for use with young people ages 12-18. These measures tap aspects of adolescents civic behaviors, opinions, knowledge, and dispositions. These measures are easy to administer and can be used by educators, staff of community-based organizations, program evaluators, and scholars.”

“The data used to derive the civic measures were gathered from two waves of surveys with 1,924 students ages 12-18 from 88 social studies classes in the Northeastern United States. These data were collected during the 2004 election campaign with the pre-survey occurring prior to the election (mid-September to October) and the post-survey occurring after the election (late-November to mid-December).”

Download Working Paper 55: Civic Measurement Models: Tapping Adolescents’ Civic Engagement.

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