New: Civic Engagement and Political Leadership among Women
2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique, and CIRCLE has been taking stock of women in public life. That women are missing from political leadership is obvious, but why? After all, women lead men in most indicators of civic engagement, including volunteering and voting. We examined interest, socialization, and opportunity for girls and young women, and concluded: there’s more work (and research) to be done.
CIRCLE Youth Turnout Differs Greatly by Gender, Race & Ethnicity and State
With the release of the Census Current Population Survey (CPS) 2012 November Supplement data, CIRCLE took another look at youth turnout in the last election. We had to revise our turnout estimate down, but we also found relatively high turnout among women and African Americans and lots of other details. The results can be found in these products:
Deadline for NSLVE Extended!
Hundreds of campuses have signed up to learn their college student voting rates. Participants include private research I universities, public and private liberal arts colleges, community colleges, state universities, and regional comprehensives. You still have time to sign up to learn your 2012 rates!
Register for Frontiers of Democracy!
Do you work on or think about issues involving public engagement, deliberative and participatory democracy, collaborative governance, educating for democracy and civic learning, public work, building social capital or any form of strengthening democracy? Register for Frontiers here.
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