Call for Guest Posts: Impact Measures
CIRCLE is seeking proposals for guest posts to on the topic of impact measures.
“Impact” can be defined broadly to include outcomes for youth or for communities. We especially welcome writing (or other media) on measures that can be adapted by other researchers and practitioners or discussions of how measures have been adapted. We welcome all types of measures of civic learning and engagement, but would be especially excited to feature posts about innovative or novel ideas for measuring impact and measures appropriate for diverse contexts and by diverse people. We will give preference to posts that discuss specific measures (e.g., highlighting new measures and items, or discussing how specific measures were used), but we will also review proposals about conceptual issues and measurement needs (e.g. of practitioners), especially posts that are particularly relevant to improving equity, quality, and impact.
New Guest Post Initiative
This call for posts is part of a new initiative, beginning this summer and fall. Last spring we asked our supporters (who include researchers, program staff, youth workers, and others) about their interest in guest posts to the CIRCLE website, and the response was positive. Thank you to those who took the time to give us feedback.
We see this initiative as a way to amplify the voices of our peers in the youth civic engagement world (with an eye to equity and diversity), to increase knowledge and build capacity, and to promote conversation among individuals and groups involved with research, policy and practice.
We will organize 6-month series of guest posts on topics that are timely and significant to youth engagement fields. At least one post will be published each month. They will then be compiled into a “series proceedings” to be presented in PDF format. CIRCLE will promote each post and encourage discussion over social media. Near the end of each 6-month series, CIRCLE will host an online conversation to facilitate a discussion about the series and the topic generally.
CIRCLE staff will assess proposals based on the following criteria:
- Importance of the implications
- Representation from multiple stakeholder groups (i.e. youth, youth workers, evaluators, academics, teachers)
- Collaborative thinking (especially with youth)
- Unique and timely contributions
- Applicability to increasing equity in civic and political opportunities among youth
To Submit to this Call
Please submit proposals by July 20, 2015 using this web form. All proposals will receive a response by the end of July. Guest posts will be published between August and December of 2015, included in a series “proceedings,” and will be the basis of an online discussion in the late fall of 2015.
Proposals should be no longer than a half page of text (~200-250 words), and will be assessed by CIRCLE staff. Please see above for the selection criteria. Selected submissions will be asked for a full post of 500-800 words (or we will also post other media), which our staff will review and provide feedback, if applicable.
Questions can be sent to