CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement


This category is for the monthly e-updates only. Posts should be set to public so viewers can see the message in their browser.


November 2016 E-Update

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Full Analysis: The Youth Vote in 2016 CIRCLE’s in-depth look young voters in 2016 offers a breakdown of young people’s support for each major candidate and for the political parties they represent. We also consider the long-term implications, for both Democrats and Republicans, of a youth electorate Read More >

Categories: E-Update
November 29th, 2016
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Special Election 2016 E-Update

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.  Special Edition: 2016 Presidential Election An Estimated 24 Million Young People Vote, Favor Clinton over Trump by 55% to 37% Republican nominee Donald Trump won a surprising electoral college victory last night, and he did so despite a youth electorate that strongly supported his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. Read More >

Categories: E-Update
November 9th, 2016
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October 2016 E-Update

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Millennials: Diverse, Divided, but Hopeful Politics can Bring Change CIRCLE’s newest release, based on our poll of Millennials and the 2016 election, takes a deep look at this most diverse generation in American history and explores how they’re reacting to and engaging with this year’s historic presidential election Read More >

Categories: E-Update
October 27th, 2016
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September 2016 E-Update

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Top 50 Districts Where Young People May Impact Congressional Elections In February 2016 we released our exclusive Youth Electoral Significance Index (YESI), a statistical model-driven ranking of the states and congressional districts where young people have the highest potential to play a critical role this November. Read More >

Categories: E-Update
September 30th, 2016
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August 2016 E-Update

Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Hillary Clinton and Young Voters With the general election rapidly approaching, CIRCLE has been examining the role young people might play this November. Previously, we looked at youth support of and attitudes toward Donald Trump. More recently, we published a similar analysis of Hillary Clinton and Read More >

Categories: E-Update
August 29th, 2016
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