CIRCLE is committed to helping organizations and governments use research and data to improve civic life and close gaps in opportunities for civic engagement. This is why CIRCLE has developed the RAYSE Index (Reaching All Youth Strengthens Engagement).
The RAYSE Index brings data to bear on efforts to broaden access to youth engagement opportunities. The comparative county-level data can provide research-based support for making the case that engagement has a high potential for growth and for making decisions about where to invest resources (e.g. time, resources, funding).
RAYSE Index: Background and
User’s Guide
More detailed background on the data and methods used in the RAYSE Index, as well as a user guide, can be found here. There are several uses for the Index, and the Index should always be used with other forms of knowledge about existing youth leadership and civic capacities.
Stay connected to CIRCLE on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. Sign up here for CIRCLE’s monthly e-update.
Share the RAYSE Index
Here are some sample tweets you can use to share the RAYSE index. Feel free to write your own, too!
– Where should you invest to raise youth civic engagement? CIRCLE’s new RAYSE Index:
– New county-level data to inform efforts to increase youth civic engagement from @CivicYouth
Learning More about RAYSE
To find out about opportunities to learn more about how to use the RAYSE Index, opportunities to discuss the data, and more, sign up for updates here.
The RAYSE Index has been supported by the Youth Engagement Fund and the Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund.
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on Thursday, April 27th, 2017 at 3:09 pm and is filed under E-Update.
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