CIRCLE Online Seminar Brings Together Stakeholders to Discuss Youth Civic Engagement
During the past several weeks, CIRCLE researchers hosted an online seminar to discuss recommendations and build upon the work laid out in “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement,” the report from our Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge.
The seminar brought together a learning community of stakeholders from across the country. Teachers, education leaders, community organizers, policymakers, and others enjoyed substantive, spirited discussions about the state of civic education and engagement. They shared resources and emphasized collaborating to engage the nation’s young people.
Along with ongoing conversations in blogs and social media, CIRCLE hosted weekly live chats with speakers and presenters who shared their experience and expertise.
Each session focused on a set of overarching themes or questions. A summary and the live recording of each chat so far can be found below:
Week 1 – What is the State of Youth Learning and Engagement?
Week 2 – Exploring the Practice of Engaging Youth
Week 3 – Stitching Together a Field of Diverse Efforts
Week 4 – Revisiting the Past and Looking to the Future
The seminar held its final live chat last week, but CIRCLE will continue to think about how to engage these diverse, committed stakeholders and leverage the collective knowledge and experience of this learning community.
Read more about the seminar, including a list of resources and participants, HERE.
Stay connected to CIRCLE on Facebook and Twitter to learn more.
Sign up here for CIRCLE’s monthly e-update.
National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement Delivers Campus Reports
This month, the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) delivered reports to more than 250 college that are participating in this groundbreaking study. The NSLVE reports (view a sample here) provide universities with their aggregated student registration and voting rates.
The next match of Fall 2012 voting data and enrollment records will happen in April. Click here to learn more and sign up.
NSLVE’s work was recently profiled by the Association for Institutional Research.
CIRCLE Shares Its Expertise
Nancy Thomas, director of NSLVE and research on college student political engagement, was featured in a Chronice of Higher Education article about dialogue on campus.
CIRCLE Researcher and Youth Coordinator Abby Kiesa spoke at two events:
On February 6, Kiesa gave opening remarks at Campus Vote Project’s Student Voting Summit.
On February 13, she appeared before the Voter Participation Committee of the National Association of Secretaries of State 2014 Winter Conference. |