New Fact Sheet: Information Literacy Crucial to High School Civics
Last month, CIRCLE Deputy Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg presented a new fact sheet that summarizes findings about the teaching of information literacy in high school civics and government courses.
The fact sheet is based on data from the National Civics Teacher Survey analyzed by the Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge. More than 700 teachers responded to that survey, and nearly all of them reported spending time on news analysis, current events discussion, and other information literacy skills and topics in their classes.
The research also showed, however, that information literacy is more likely to be taught in AP/honors classes than in required courses and that more than half of teachers do not feel very confident in teaching information literacy.
Read the full fact sheet HERE.
Join CIRCLE’s Online Seminar – Live Video Chat Tomorrow
CIRCLE began the new year with its open online seminar to discuss “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement,” the report from our Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge.
The seminar is a unique opportunity for teachers, parents, policymakers, and other stakeholders interested in civic education and participation to share ideas and consider ways to implement recommendations from the report.
During this first week, the group has been focusing on two of the fundamental issues identified by the Commission as crucial to improving youth engagement: promoting free expression and civil deliberation, and ensuring equity and equality in political engagement.
There is still time to sign up and participate in the seminar. Find the introductory materials HERE and catch up in advance of tomorrow’s live conversation with CIRCLE staff at 2:00 p.m.
Stay connected to CIRCLE on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. Sign up here for CIRCLE’s monthly e-update.
Sign Up for the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement CIRCLE’s NSLVE offers colleges and universities the opportunity to learn their student registration and voting rates. We’ll be matching 2012 voting and enrollment records again in April, so sign up now.
Click here to learn more, and view a sample report to learn more about what you receive as a participating campus.
CIRCLE Online and In Print
“Policy Effects on Informed Political Engagement,” by Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and Peter Levine, in American Behavioral Scientist
“Diversity in Classrooms: The Relationship between Deliberative and Associative Opportunities in School and Later Electoral Engagement,” by Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and Peter Levine, in Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy
“What Bipartisan Budget Agreement Suggests for the Future of American Democracy,” by Peter Levine, on
“Closing the Civic Achievement Gap in an Increasingly Diverse Country,” by Peter Levine, on The Huffington Post |