Analysis: Youth Party Registration in Nevada Lagging Behind 2012
Nevada, which hosted the first Democratic primary debate, will probably be a contested state in the 2016 presidential race, and young voters will play a crucial role there. Nevada will also be an early caucus state.
In 2008 and 2012, both President Obama and the Democratic senatorial candidate had strong youth support in Nevada.
According to data from the Nevada Secretary of State, both parties’ youth registration lags behind where it stood on election day in 2012. Republican youth registration has decreased by 11% and Democrats also lag behind, while the number of youth registering but choosing not to affiliate with a party has risen somewhat compared to 2012.
Democrats increased their youth registration rate by 25% between September 2011 and the 2012 election, adding over 27,000 new young registrants in time for the November vote. The challenge for Democrats in this cycle will be to match or exceed that increase.
Read more.
CIRCLE to Study Impact of AmeriCorps Service on Employment
CIRCLE has been awarded a $143,296 grant to explore whether including AmeriCorps service on resumes increases the employment prospects of AmeriCorps alumni.
We will conduct a randomized experiment to investigate this question. We will create fictitious resumes for applicants and will vary the service experiences and how they are described to see which forms of service and which ways of presenting it are most attractive to hiring managers.
Read more.
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“Renewing our Commitment to U.S. History and Civics”
Earlier this month, former CIRCLE director Peter Levine and Alan D. Solomont, Dean of Tisch College, coauthored an op-ed in Roll Call on the importance of federal support for civics in K-12 education.
“We need to focus on giving our students the tools and opportunities that allow them to become not only good stewards of American history and civics, but also pioneers of ideas that can strengthen and transform America,” they wrote.
Read the full op-ed here.
CIRCLE in the News
In the past month, data, analysis, and commentary from CIRCLE leaders has been prominently featured in various news outlets:
– Bloomberg: “Rand Paul is Running for President of Young America“
– CNBC: “The ‘Trump Show’ has millennials’ attention…but will they vote?“
– IB Times: “Will Rand Paul’s Iowa College Tour Help Him Win Over Young Voters For 2016?”