Exclusive Analysis: Donald Trump and Young Voters
CIRCLE has released a comprehensive analysis of Donald Trump’s level of support from young people during the 2016 primary election cycle, which examines how Trump’s support from young voters stacks up with previous Republican nominees, as well as implications for the general election.
Major findings include:
- Generally, Donald Trump received a lower level of support from youth than from older voters
- Trump received a slightly larger proportion of estimated youth votes in the primary season than previous Republican nominees McCain and Romney
- As a whole, young people view Trump unfavorably, with young women and youth of color viewing him even more unfavorably. Meanwhile, young people with less formal education showed greater levels of support for Trump in the primaries.
“With less than five months until Election Day, Mr. Trump’s campaign has both challenges and opportunities with young voters,” writes CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg. “On the one hand, the youth electorate has been very active this year, with youth participation in the GOP and Democratic contests more evenly split than in recent presidential cycles. On the other hand, youth of color and young women are currently the least likely groups to support Trump.”
Read more, and find all of our political data and analysis at the CIRCLE 2016 Election Center.
Guest Posts on Youth Political Engagement Beyond Elections
Our current guest post series explores how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. Three recent posts by practitioners make valuable contributions to that conversation:
Stay connected to CIRCLE on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. Sign up here for CIRCLE’s monthly e-update.
NCoC: Civic Health Webinar
Join former CIRCLE Director Peter Levine and partners from the field for a webinar titled “Connecting the Dots: The Role of Civic Health in Community Problem Solving”
Your feedback during and after this discussion will help shape the 2016 Annual Conference on Citizenship, a national convening focused on civic renewal co-hosted by CIRCLE’s host organization, Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life.
Sign up for one of two sessions.
Teaching For Democracy
CIRCLE is proud to be a founding member of the Teaching for Democracy Alliance, which works to to equip teachers and administrators to talk about elections and voting in a productive way and to provide students with long-term civic engagement tools.
Check out the TFD website for resources, events, and more.
CIRCLE in the News
In the past month, CIRCLE data and analysis have been prominently featured in various news outlets:
– Washington Post: “More young people voted for Bernie Sanders than Trump and Clinton combined — by a lot“
– The Guardian: “Ripples of a revolution: what will Bernie Sanders’ supporters do next?“
– Associated Press: “Dump Trump? Some millennials aren’t so sure“