RSSLatest Research
Guest Post – A Sense of Youth Agency Beyond Elections
This guest post is the third in a series about whether and how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. The first post is here. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to discuss the content and implications, and keep an eye out for future posts and a culminating event for this Read More >
Guest Post – The Local Chapter: A Model for Civic Engagement
This guest post is the second in a series about whether and how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. The first post is here. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to discuss the content and implications, and keep an eye out for future posts and a culminating event for Read More >
Youth Turnout High in West Virginia; Young Republican Primary Voters Seem to Turn to Trump
Although the two major party nominees for president are all but confirmed, young people still want a voice in the matter. In yesterday’s West Virginia primaries, an estimated 25% of the state’s young people cast ballots, many for Senator Bernie Sanders, who won the state but still trails Secretary Hillary Clinton by a substantial margin Read More >
25% of Youth in Indiana Participate in Primary
Estimated youth voter turnout in yesterday’s Indiana primaries was 25%. Overall, an estimated 247,000 young people (17-to-29 years old) cast ballots in Indiana, making up an estimated 14% of all voters. More youth participated in the Republican primary than the Democratic primary. This was also the case in Ohio and other historically Republican states such Read More >
UPDATED – Total Youth Votes in 2016 Primaries and Caucuses
Updated on April 28, 2016 Young people, ages 17-29, continue to vote in high numbers during the 2016 primaries and caucuses. In Republican contests, youth have broken participation records in nearly every state for which we have data, while in Democratic primaries overwhelming youth support for Senator Bernie Sanders helped him launch a serious challenge to Hillary Clinton. As Read More >