RSSLatest Research
High Youth Turnout Continues in Maryland, Connecticut; Young Voters Still Lukewarm on Frontrunners
The pattern of high youth participation in the 2016 primaries continued yesterday, especially in Connecticut and Maryland,[1] while youth participation may have decreased in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary. Different patterns of youth voting played out in each of the three states, but one dynamic was consistent among all three: young people continue to favor the Read More >
Record-Breaking Youth Turnout in New York Fueled by Participation in Democratic Primary
Estimated youth voter turnout in yesterday’s New York primary was 14%, surpassing the previous record of 12% set in 2000 and matched in 2008. Overall, an estimated 408,000 young people cast ballots in New York, making up an estimated 15% of all voters in the state primary. New York was the first state this election Read More >
Estimated Youth Turnout in Wisconsin Second-Highest in 2016 Primaries
An estimated one in three young voters, ages 18-29, cast a ballot in yesterday’s Wisconsin primaries, contributing to strong overall turnout in a state with competitive races and a tradition of strong civic habits. Youth participation in the Republican primary more than doubled the previous record, set in 2008, and youth supported the state’s winner—Senator Read More >
UPDATED: Call for Guest Post Proposals on Emotion and Youth Civic and Political Development
In what ways do strong emotional reactions to events and conditions shape and alter young people’s civic and political developmental trajectory? What kinds of emotions? For whom, and through which mechanisms do emotions affect civic and political development? How does the chance to work with others on an emotionally resonant issue contribute to social and Read More >
Young Women and Non-Black Youth Favored Sanders on Super Tuesday; Issue Priorities Drive Differences in Vote Choice by Age
Although the delegate count remains decidedly in Secretary Hillary Clinton’s favor, the Democratic nomination contest remains competitive, with both Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaigns aggressively courting young people where they live, study, and work. As this analysis of Democratic voters on Super Tuesday shows, the results of key upcoming primaries may depend on which Read More >