CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Around the CIRCLE– V3.I1 August 2005

Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v3.i1–August 2005), Around the CIRCLE, from here.  This issue includes the following articles: Around the Circle is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. The newsletter features regular columns: Table of Contents Impact of Participation in Service-Learning Read More >

August 13th, 2005
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Working Paper 32: Social Representation in the U.S. Military Services

by Mark Adamshick May 2005 “Is there a correlation between race and an individual’s proclivity to enlist in the military? Clearly, the 25th Annual DoD report verifies the imbalance. Despite the data, is it just a matter of race? Is there a relationship between a person’s willingness to join the military and other measures of Read More >

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April 15th, 2005
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