CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

CIRCLE receives two grants from the Corporation for National and Community Service

September 26th, 2008
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The Corporation for National and Community Service announced a $570,000 grant to CIRCLE at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Public Service at Tufts University. The grant will support CIRCLE in building an online community that college students throughout the greater Boston area will use to pool information, deliberate, and coordinate their service and activism. The software is built on a platform called YouthMap, produced by Community Knowledge Base of Wisconsin, which is a sophisticated tool for analyzing networks online and in the real world. For the use of college students, YouthMap will plug into popular social networks. CIRCLE will collaborate with Community Knowledge Base, University of Massachusetts-Boston, Massachusetts Campus Compact, and the Boston Foundation to build, refine, and promote the online community.

According to the Corporation’s press release, “Today’s college students have a strong altruistic bent, and are working in extraordinary ways to tackle some of our most pressing problems,” said Corporation CEO David Eisner. “We want to further ignite this idealism by investing in strong organizations that will use the power of social networking to bring lasting change.” Eisner announced the grants before hundreds of civic, government, and education leaders gathered at the National Conference on Citizenship annual meeting at the National Archives.

The Corporation also made a grant to CIRCLE in partnership with the National Conference on Citizenship to conduct research on volunteering and civic engagement and disseminate research findings. CIRCLE was one of five leading university centers chosen in this competition, according to the Corporation.

Read the CIRCLE press release here.

11 Responses to “CIRCLE receives two grants from the Corporation for National and Community Service”

  1. NAMRU 2 is on halt | Bearnuts' Lair Says:

    […] CIRCLE receives two grants from the Corporation for National and … […]

  2. Top Government Grant Programs « .GOV Grants Says:

    […] CIRCLE – A nonpartisan research center studying youth civic engagement … […]

  3. porch awnings Says:

    The Corporation for National and Community Service announced a $570,000 grant to CIRCLE at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Public Service at Tufts University. The grant will support CIRCLE in building an online community that college students throughout the greater Boston area will use to pool information, deliberate, and coordinate their service and activism. Weeel I think that these are some good news. arent they?

  4. Government Grants for Students | Free Government Grants Says:

    […] CIRCLE – A nonpartisan research center studying youth civic engagement … […]

  5. Cheap Rabbit Hutches Says:

    This is great news

  6. Wooden Folding Chairs Says:

    This would be a great help for the students at the university.

    This company truly is sincere.

  7. Richard Sharpe Says:

    a potentially very interesting project, or a waste of time ?

  8. Where to meet men Says:

    Hopefully this gets off the ground – it sound like it would be a great help for us students.

  9. seychelle islands Says:

    This is the kind of project that should be recognized and copied throughout the country. It would be nice if college students everywhere had this kind of support.

  10. Accounting Credit Says:

    “We want to further ignite this idealism by investing in strong organizations that will use the power of social networking to bring lasting change.” If only more people thought like this, we could see such a dramatic change in our society.

  11. thomas bollzi Says:

    i like that really great news. keep going!