CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

April 2012 E-Update

April 17th, 2012
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Youth Turnout in the 2012 Primaries

In the past few months, CIRCLE has produced the day-after youth voter turnout for the 2012 Republican primaries and caucuses.  Cumulatively, Romney has the most votes compared to his Republican contenders.  Between states, however, youth vote choice varied between Romney, Santorum and Paul. The following are the youth voter turnout rates for the following states. Click on the link for more detailed information on each state :

New Issue of Around the CIRCLE Available

The February edition (v9. i1) of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, Around the CIRCLE, is now available! Below you will find links to the different articles. Or you can download the entire edition from here

If you would like to receive a hard copy of CIRCLE’s quarterly newsletter, click here.

No Citizen Left Behind Book Talk and Reception

Meira Levinson’s No Citizen Left Behind “combines anecdotes from Meira Levinson’s eight years of teaching middle school in Atlanta and Boston, political theorizing, and social science analysis.  She argues that the United States suffers from a civic empowerment gap that is as shameful and anti-democratic as the academic achievement gap targeted by No Child Left Behind.”

The Harvard Graduate School of Education will be holding an event for this book on April 25, 2012 from 5:30pm-7:30pm. It will be moderated by CIRCLE Director Peter Levine.  Click here for details and more information.

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