CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

“Millennials” Play a Central Role in our Nation’s Civic Health, but Who are They?

February 6th, 2013
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Major New Study Provides In-Depth Insight on Diverse Engagement of a Generation

Washington, DC– The Millennials Civic Health Index, released today by four of the top civic organizations in the country, paints a comprehensive picture of young Americans 18 to 29.  The study challenges commonly held beliefs about a generation of young Americans whose votes played a critical role in November’s presidential election. The report highlights the diverse ways in which Millennials are taking action in their communities beyond the voting booth, online and offline, across different regions of the United States.

The report, produced by the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC), The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University’s Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Harvard University’s Institute of Politics, and, illustrates:

  • this generation of Americans represents a potent civic and political force – comprising a national voting bloc of 21.3% of eligible voters who are playing a critical role in our democracy and driving community action nationwide;
  • education is strongly connected to civic engagement—some indicators show a college graduate is four or five times more likely to engage than someone without a high school diploma;
  • Millennials are hard hit by the economic crisis—62.9% are currently working, of which 31.2% work on a part-time basis—with potential implications for civic engagement;
  • some surprising trends–while engagement typically increases with age, 22-25 year olds have lower levels of social cohesion and volunteerism than older or younger peers. And, while education predicts most forms of engagement, young people without a college education are more likely to help their neighbors on a regular basis.

The full study — with numerous additional findings such as the civic consequences of education; ways, types and rates of civic engagement; beliefs and opinions about pressing issues and elected leaders — can all be found here.

CIRCLE lead researcher Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, who led the study’s quantitative analysis, said, “this groundbreaking research underscores, in red ink, that young Americans play too critical of a role in our democracy to simply be mischaracterized and dismissed as “lazy”, “apathetic” and “entitled”.  It’s democratic malpractice for us to not better understand a generation of Americans with such a decisive role in the health of our nation and the future of our democracy.”

The study, authored by representatives from leading centers in the study of civic life and young Americans, draws on rigorous data, including civic indicators collected through a partnership between NCoC, the Corporation for National and Community Service, and the US Census Bureau. “Millennials are a critical part of America’s civic foundation,” said Ilir Zherka, NCoC’s Executive Director. “This report shines a light on the ways in which Millennials are already actively engaged in our communities, and the areas where we need to continue working to increase their civic engagement.”

The study also incorporates a rich array of data including Harvard’s Institute of Politics’ twelve-year polling project on Millennials’ political views, and input from young leaders convened by The data was analyzed by CIRCLE’s team of researchers who also contributed scholarly expertise on youth engagement.

“After studying the political and civic beliefs of America’s young adults for twelve years, we know they care about their communities – and their country,” said Harvard’s Institute of Politics Director Trey Grayson.  “Working to better understand and engage with 18-29 year-olds – the Millennial generation – is not only critical to ensuring a healthy democracy and citizenry, but also imperative for today’s political campaigns looking to appeal to this key demographic.”

“This report shows that when communities are open to engaging Millennials in an authentic way, they become places in which people want to work and live,” said Board Chair, Kari Saratovsky. “Authentic programs and initiatives that cultivate youth ownership in local communities are powerful reminders of the work that can and has been done to strengthen our nation’s civic health.”

In response to the growing need for Millennial leadership development, has introduced two new programs, Mobilizer Academy and Speakers Bureau, that focus on elevating Millennial best practices for improving communities, empowering young leaders and their peers, addressing social problems and providing a more sustainable path for our collective future. The two programs will commence at’s Millennial Leaders Seminar February 8-10, 2013 in New York City.

To hear a press call on the release today at 10 am Eastern, please dial 866-889-3913 and enter password YOUTH.

2 Responses to ““Millennials” Play a Central Role in our Nation’s Civic Health, but Who are They?”

  1. Millennials Civic Health Index | All HandsOn Deck! Says:

    […] The Millennials Civic Health Index, released this week by four of the top civic organizations in the country, paints a comprehensive picture of young Americans 18 to 29.  The study challenges commonly held beliefs about a generation of young Americans whose votes played a critical role in November’s presidential election. The report highlights the diverse ways in which Millennials are taking action in their communities beyond the voting booth, online and offline, across different regions of the United States. More information about the study – with numerous additional findings such as the civic consequences of education; ways, types and rates of civic engagement; beliefs and opinions about pressing issues and elected leaders – can be found at: […]

  2. Brief Discussion of the Latest Civic Engagement Reports | Off the Spectrum Says:

    […] insight into the progress that social media has had on increasing levels of civic engagement.  The 2013 Millennial Civic Health Index, released by the top four civic organizations in the United States, provides an overview of the […]