CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

March 2014 E-Update

March 21st, 2014
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New Interactive Map Shows State Civic Education Policies

In the past two years, many states have been updating their civic education policies, some to conform with Common Core standards or to adopt the new College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for social studies. CIRCLE has created a new interactive map designed to quickly see where states stand on key civic education measures like required years of social studies in high school or assessments at the state level.

The interactive map lets users explore by regions and allows for custom comparisons between states. By double-clicking on a state you can also get a more detailed snapshot of a state’s civic education within the context of other key information like educational spending, population demographics, political climate, and voting rates (see sample PDF).

Explore the map HERE.


Florida, Tennessee, and Hawaii: Three Case Studies of Civic Education Policy

Recently, CIRCLE conducted case studies of new or revised civic education reforms in three states:

–  In Florida, the Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Civics Education Act mandates a high-stakes standardized test in civics.
–  In Hawaii, a required “Participation in Democracy” course places a strong emphasis on experiential education. The requirement was passed in 2006 and an effort to repeal it was defeated.
–  In Tennessee, recent legislation mandates project-based civics assessments at the middle and high school levels.

We have released a short fact sheet that describes each bill or proposal in detail, including the advantages and drawbacks identified by both proponents and detractors. We have also released a paper that includes interviews with prominent stakeholders in each state and takes an initial look at the process behind each proposal and some of the issues faced by the educators tasked with implementing them.

Download the Fact Sheet HERE.

Download the  Working Paper HERE.

Both the civic education map and these case studies were funded by the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

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Online Seminar: Learning and Discussion Guide

CIRCLE recently wrapped up an online seminar with participants from across the country who came together to discuss the state of youth civic engagement in America.

We have now released a guide for self-directed learning or group discussions. The guide tackles content from our “All Together Now” report and touches on some of the fruitful conversations among seminar participants.

Find the guide HERE.

CIRCLE Shares its Expertise

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank talks to CIRCLE Director Peter Levine about “Why Millennials Have Abandoned Obama.

Levine also chatted with NPR’s Tamara Keith about the President’s Obamacare youth outreach: Under 30? “The President Would Like You To Know Health Care Is Hip.”

On March 21, Levine spoke at the lunchtime plenary at the Center for the Study of Citizenship’s 2014 Conference in Wayne State University.

Also on March 21, CIRCLE Researcher Surbhi Godsay presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence 2014 Biennial Meeting.

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