CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

January 2015 E-Update

January 27th, 2015
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Survey: Guest Contributions on the CIRCLE Website

CIRCLE is considering accepting guest contributions to our website to provide additional perspectives and foster a richer discussion about the many facets of youth civic engagement. If we take that step, we would want to make our process transparent and equitable.

We also want to ensure that any content we share is valuable and relevant to researchers, practitioners, funders, and others across the field. In that spirit, we would value feedback from our regular audience on what you would find most helpful.

We ask that you please take a few minutes to answer a short, five-question survey that will help us move forward in the most effective way. The questions will tell us a little about you, your organization, your role in the field of civic engagement, and the kinds of topics you’d like to see covered in posts from guests authors.

Take the survey.

CIRCLE Supports Growing Efforts to Lower Voting Age in Local Elections

In the past two years, the Maryland cities of Hyattsville and Takoma Park became the first in the nation to allow 16 and 17-year-old youth to vote in elections. Similar efforts are underway in places like Lowell, MA, and San Francisco. (For more, see this recent New York Times article.)

CIRCLE strongly endorses these initiatives, as research shows that voting while in high school can have positive effects on both civic education and political participation over the long term.

Read more.

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CIRCLE in the News

In recent weeks, CIRCLE research, analysis, and commentary has been featured in various media:

– AP: “5 things about Americans’ slipping sense of duty

– US News: “Seeking Political Support, Colleges Prod Students to Vote

-Politico: “How campaigns are courting 16-year-olds

– The Hill: “To revive our democracy, revive civic education

2015 Summer Institute of Civic Studies and Frontiers
of Democracy

Applications are now open for the 2015 Summer Institute of Civic Studies, to be held at Tufts University on June 15-27. Co-taught by CIRCLE Director Peter Levine, the Summer Institute is an intensive, two-week seminar with academics and practitioners from diverse fields to discuss fundamental questions like: What should citizens know, believe, and do?

The Institute is followed by Frontiers of Democracy 2015, a public conference that tackles both theoretical and practical issues related to civic engagement.

© 2010 CIRCLE (The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)

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