CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

March 2018 E-Update

March 8th, 2018
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Top 10 Congressional Districts Where Youth Might Decide 2018 Elections

CIRCLE just released a list of the top 10 districts in our updated Youth Electoral Significance index, which uses indicators of demographics, historical voting patterns, and projected competitiveness to produce a ranking of the states and districts where young people, ages 18-29, have the highest potential for impact on the 2018 elections.

The Iowa 1st takes the top spot, and the top-10 includes four districts in Minnesota. We will publish full rankings for congressional and statewide races in the coming weeks.

Read more about each district

A New Typology of Young
People’s Ideological Beliefs

Our new research on Millennials’ political ideology goes beyond stereotypes and simplistic left/right categorizations to provide a more in-depth look at young people’s political views

We use recent data to identify clusters of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 into five groups:

  • Activist Egalitarians (39% of Millennials)
  • Participatory Libertarians (29%)
  • Disempowered Egalitarians (8%)
  • Alienated Libertarians (5%)
  • The Lost and Disengaged (18%)

Read more and explore the full report

Save the Date

On March 21st at 2-3pm ET, the Office of Research and Evaluation at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) will host a webinar about the outcomes and benefits of national service for employment and professional development. This webinar will feature CIRCLE’s brand-new findings from a CNCS-funded field experiment.


Stay connected to CIRCLE on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. Sign up here for CIRCLE’s monthly e-update.

D.C. Briefing: Millennial Voters in 2018 and Beyond

On March 1, CIRCLE joined research colleagues from Tisch College, partners and practitioners, and political leaders for a special briefing in the nation’s capital about efforts to increase youth electoral participation.

At the event, co-hosted with the Millennial Action Project, we presented new research and participated in a panel with other youth engagement leaders. Florida Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy offered insightful remarks.

Check out the online conversation on #civicyouth2018, and thanks to everyone who joined us in D.C.!

CIRCLE in the News

– Los Angeles Daily News: “Post Parkland, young voters might show up in 2018

– Scientific American: “Millennials’ Climate Views Could Sway 10 House Elections This November

– Education Week: “Can the Parkland Survivors Inspire a New Focus on Civics Education?

– CBS Minnesota: “Where Do Age Limits Come From?

Join Us!

22×20 is a network of media, cultural, and educational partners amplifying and diversifying teen voice, political expression, and media creation in the lead-up to the 2020 election and beyond. Launched in the fall of 2017, the network is co-led by CIRCLE and The LAMP. 

© 2010 CIRCLE (The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)

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