Research Products
Research Products
Research Products
The “Around the CIRCLE” newsletter is designed to provide you with snapshots of the latest research on youth civic engagement and civic education. We are no longer producing a hardcopy CIRCLE newsletter, but you can sign up for the
CIRCLE e-update for monthly research snapshots.This page contains the most important CIRCLE data and analysis related to young people and the 2018 midterm elections, as well as additional tools and resources like our Youth Electoral Significance Index. We also feature a selection of news items that have featured CIRCLE research and commentary related to the upcoming elections, and information for media inquiries.
- Quick Facts: Youth Voting
A strong civic life depends on ALL, not just some, youth participating. The RAYSE Index (Reaching All Youth Strengthens Engagement) embodies CIRCLE's vision that research data can and should enhance the quantity, equality, and impact of youth civic engagement. The RAYSE Index is designed to facilitate program and outreach investment decisions...