CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Non-College Youth

This series of research products addresses: the demographics of non-college youth, voting and volunteering patterns among this demographic group, and military experience among young people with college experience.

RSSNon-College Youth

Electoral Engagement Among Non-College Attending Youth

by Mark Hugo Lopez, Emily Kirby, Jared Sagoff, and Jason P. Kolaczkowski July 2005 Based on 1972-2004 Current Population Survey data, 2004 NEP exit poll data, and the CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2004. Provides information on the voting rates of non-college attending youth. Download “Fact Sheet: Electoral Engagement Among Non-College Attending Youth” here.

July 31st, 2005
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Working Paper 34: Survey of Civic Learning Opportunities for Out-of-School Youth in the Adult Education and Literacy System

by Melanie Daniels and Marilyn Gillespie June 2005 “For many young people, adult education offers a “second chance” to obtain a high school credential, to develop literacy skills, or to succeed in a new country and a new language. With more support, it can also represent a second chance for youth to develop civic knowledge Read More >

June 19th, 2005
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