CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Youth Voting/Political Participation

This series of research products addresses: youth voting trends, recent Presidential & midterm primaries, caucuses and elections, voting laws, what works in getting out the vote (GOTV), and local political parties and youth.

RSSYouth Voting/Political Participation

Virginia Youth Voter Turnout Doubled between 2009 and 2017, Estimates Suggest

In what could be an early indicator of young people’s political engagement and mobilization after the contentious 2016 presidential race—and ahead of the 2018 midterms—youth turnout surged in Virginia, and in both gubernatorial races young people strongly preferred the Democratic candidates. If the Virginia and New Jersey exit polls captured precise and accurate estimates of Read More >

November 8th, 2017
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Boston Highlights Potential, Challenges in Off-Year Electoral Engagement

Bostonians of all ages voted for their mayor and for other important city positions yesterday and, as in many other cities across the country and in state elections in places like New Jersey and Virginia, questions abound about young people’s participation in these off-year contests. Because data on votes by age aren’t available from exit Read More >

November 8th, 2017
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Millennials Deeply Uncertain about Democracy Post-Election, But Few Believe it is in Peril

This is the third analysis in a series about our post-election Millennial poll. The first post, about engagement post-election, can be found here, and the second post, about gender and the 2016 election, can be found here. Data from CIRCLE’s post-election poll, conducted before President Trump’s inauguration, suggest some Millennials are deeply concerned about the Read More >

April 12th, 2017
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Rural Millennials, the 2016 Election and Civic Deserts

Today, our Director and Senior Researcher have a new analysis up at The Conversation about the 2016 election and access to civic resources. Right after the election, our analysis of the Edison Research exit poll showed that youth in rural areas (less than 50,000 population) were more likely than youth nationally to support President Trump. Read More >

March 27th, 2017
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Post-election Millennial Poll Reveals Divides, Opportunities for Youth Engagement

A new CIRCLE poll of Millennials finds that, in the aftermath of the election, young people are unsurprisingly divided—depending on who they voted for in 2016—in their attitudes about American values and priorities, the health of the nation’s democracy, and the future of their own civic and political engagement. The differences between Trump voters (35% Read More >

March 7th, 2017
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