CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Working Paper 40: The Changing Lifeworld of Young People: Risk, Resume-Padding, and Civic Engagement

September 2nd, 2005
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by Lewis A. Friedland and Shauna Morimoto

September 2005graph

“Young people become engaged in civic life for many different reasons, and via multiple paths. Much research on the reasons for youth civic engagement has been cross-sectional, searching for antecedents to a range of “pro-civic” attitudes or behaviors. This research assumes a relatively stable lifeworld for young people. For example, it assumes that the meaning of volunteering or service is sufficiently similar across multiple contexts to remain a valid and stable indicator. By extension, it also assumes that the lifeworld of young people today is not undergoing a period of rapid, and perhaps even radical, change.”

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One Response to “Working Paper 40: The Changing Lifeworld of Young People: Risk, Resume-Padding, and Civic Engagement”

  1. the hollowing-out of youth « Peter Levine Says:

    […] one does during adolescence and young adulthood then feels like “preparation.” Thus Lew Friedland and Shauna Morimoto find that many high school students volunteer  for  career purposes. The entire thrust of education […]