CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Civic Life Online

December 28th, 2007
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Civic Life OnlineMIT Press has published Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth, a volume edited by CIRCLE advisory board member W. Lance Bennett with a chapter by CIRCLE director Peter Levine entitled, “A Public Voice for Youth: The Audience Problem in Digital Media and Civic Education.” The book is part of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. MIT Press is providing a free open-access version of the whole volume. Bennett’s introduction, “Changing Citizenship in the Digital Age,” is a concise summary of the main issues.

One Response to “Civic Life Online”

  1. Kristen Miller Says:

    Young online voters are engaged and voting for Obama because most are in college and have time to study the issues. Politics, political science, is the study of “Who gets what”, money. So students are asking “Who is profiting and stands to profit from things like the Iraq war and high oil prices? “ Think multinational oil corporations, not the American people who are paying for it. Students see through the smoke screens and false analogies of politicians. Students know politicians actions speak louder than their words.
    Rich Republicans put up people like Bush to do their bidding. Multinationals do not care about America or Americans. Their bottom line is increasing their profits while Americans are being killed and our economy is being destroyed. Young online voters who are engaged in studying and voting on policy issues instead of personalities are the true defenders of America. We better all hope and pray they prevail or America will be the big loser.