CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

FEATURED: Youth Attitudes Toward Civility in Politics

August 30th, 2010
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By Melissa S. Kovacs & Daniel M. Shea

July 2010


In a recent report entitled, Nastiness, Name-calling & Negativity: The Allegheny College Survey of Civility and Compromise in American Politics, the authors found that average citizens are upset about incivility, although they differ by ideology, gender, and media use. “CIRCLE Working Paper #71″ focuses on the newest generation of voters, finding that they differ from their older counterparts, being less likely to believe that civility is possible, less ashamed about recent incivility, but more supportive of compromise and more optimistic about higher education’s role in promoting civility. Findings suggest a nearly universal recognition of the problem and a growing concern about the implications of an uncivil body politic. Further, the findings cast blame at a number of institutions, but also give reasons for optimism.

*Download CIRCLE Working Paper #71 “Youth Attitudes toward Civility in Politics”

*Download the full original report here

Suggested Citation:  Kovacs, M., & Shea, D.  (2010). Youth Attitudes toward Civility in Politics (CIRCLE Working Paper No. 71). Retrieved from Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) website:

2 Responses to “FEATURED: Youth Attitudes Toward Civility in Politics”

  1. schools for troubled teenagers Says:

    The apathy is disturbing. Maybe people are so apathetic because they do not believe that any trade-offs are necessary to deal with our environmental problems. They believe that they can have cheap abundant electricity, yet power it all with a few solar panels. Unfortunately, there are not too many politicians who want to bring this up.

  2. struggling tyouth Says:

    Thanks for sharing this post, it explains most of the views of todays youth attitudes.