CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Four Youth Organizations that are Working to Build Civic Skills

July 19th, 2010
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In 2003, CIRCLE published work by Dr. Mary Kirlin, who conducted a comprehensive literature search for measures of civic skills among young people. This search led her to split “civic skills” into four major categories: collective decision-making, critical thinking, organization and communication. The following article provides examples for how today’s youth organizations are trying to build skills in these major areas, using Kirlin’s list of measures in each category as a guide.

Download the article here.

2 Responses to “Four Youth Organizations that are Working to Build Civic Skills”

  1. Luisa Kregel Says:

    I am interested in information (literature, videos, etc) regarding civic education to engage 8th graders. Can you recomend any materials?

  2. CIRCLE Says:

    Hi Luisa – thank you for your question! You can find some helpful materials at the following websites under their resources sections:

    Hope this is helpful. Thanks!