Generation Z Voters Could Make Waves in 2018 Midterm Elections
In a new article for The Conversation, CIRCLE Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg shares highlights from our poll of young people’s engagement in the upcoming elections, including a new analysis of how several youth attitudes and opinions affect their likelihood to vote in the midterms.
To learn more about what might be motivating Generation Z to vote, we asked our survey participants to rate their level of agreement with three statements:
- “I worry that older generations haven’t thought about young people’s future.”
- “I’m more cynical about politics than I was 2 years ago.”
- “The outcomes of the 2018 elections will make a significant impact to everyday issues involving the government in my community, such as schools and police.”
Among young people who said “yes” to all three of those questions, more than half —52 percent—said they are extremely likely to vote. Among young people who said “no” to all three of those questions, only 22 percent were extremely likely to vote.