Infographics: How to Engage Youth in Elections and Beyond
How do we increase and make more equitable youth civic engagement? Our research underscores that elections must be, not the beginning or the end, but one step in a lifelong process of youth engagement that includes and often begins with strong civic education and includes investment from all sectors of society.
We’ve created new infographics to highlight specific evidence-based actions that families, educators, nonprofits, political campaigns, and elected officials can take to strengthen young people’s participation in democracy. The concrete steps we recommend are backed by the latest research on youth political engagement, and aim to produce tangible improvements in registration and voting rates that will help improve equity in our political life.

Read more and find the other graphics here.
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Webinar and Resources: “Teaching the Presidency in the Digital Age”
The Teaching for Democracy Alliance held its first webinar of the year on this timely topic that looks at how to teach politics and policy in today’s technologically complex climate.
Find the full webinar recording and related resources here.
Update: Appropriations for Grants to Support High-Quality Civic Education
While the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) contains authorization for new competitive grant programs for Civics, Congress has not yet passed appropriations to fund the grant programs.
Visit this page for more information from a partner.
CIRCLE in the News
– CommonWealth Magazine: “Civics education needed now more than ever“
– Mic: “Will the Women’s March finally unite the left?“
– The Inquisitr: “The Millenial Vote: Poll Conducted by Craig Newmark Foundation Reveals Challenges at the Ballot Box“
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on Monday, January 30th, 2017 at 7:46 pm and is filed under E-Update.
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