CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

May 2017 E-Update

May 31st, 2017
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CIRCLE Director Presents at Boston Foundation Forum on Civic Education

On May 18, CIRCLE and our home organization, Tisch College, co-hosted an event with The Boston Foundation about civic education, particularly focused on civics in Massachusetts. The event began with an overview of youth civic education and national shifts in the sociopolitical context by our director, Dr. Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg.

Click above to watch the video starting with Dr. Kawashima-Ginsberg’s presentation. See the full event video here.

We’re Here to Help! CIRCLE Consultations on the RAYSE Index

Released in April, CIRCLE’s RAYSE Index (Reaching All Youth Strengthens Engagement) is a research-driven interactive tool to increase youth civic engagement. It allows users to access county level data and ratings of potential growth. The tool is aimed at youth programs and organizations (national & local), grantmakers and campaigns, for storytelling and decision-making.

CIRCLE staff will be available for consultation sessions on how to use the RAYSE Index. We welcome both individuals and small groups (2-5 people) from your organization. During these sessions, we look forward to speaking with those interested in thinking about how to use the RAYSE Index in a particular context or for a particular purpose.

To sign up for one of these time slots please go here.

Stay connected to CIRCLE on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. Sign up here for CIRCLE’s monthly e-update.

AUDIO: More on Youth in
Civic Deserts

Earlier this month, our researchers Drs. Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and Felicia Sullivan spoke with WUMB’s Commonwealth Journal about their analysis of youth in civic deserts.

Kawashima-Ginsberg and Sullivan previously published an analysis of this concept in an article for The Conversation. They go into more detail in this radio interview, now available as a podcast.

Listen here.

CIRCLE in the News

– The Atlantic: “Can the Democrats Convince Millennials to Vote in 2018?

– Newsweek: “Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Is Awful Among Young People

– Education Week: “Three Conversations to Engage with Youths

– Edutopia: “New Times Call for a New Civics

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