New Interactive Map Explores Civic Education State-by-State
Many states have recently updated K-12 Civics curricula to conform with Common Core standards. Many have also started to adopt the new College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for social studies. With funding from the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, CIRCLE has created a new interactive map designed to quickly see where states stand on key state level civic education provisions, such as required years of social studies in high school and assessments of civics and social studies. This map builds upon our October 2012 fact sheet on state laws, standards and requirement for K-12 Civics.
The interactive map allows users to explore by geographic region and allows for custom comparisons between states. You can zoom out to all 50 states and the District of Columbia, or take a closer look at an individual state and its neighbors. By double-clicking on a state you can see a more detailed snapshot of a state’s civic education along with other key information like educational spending, population demographics, political climate, and voting rates.
State-by-state data for each indicator can be viewed as a table, as well as downloaded as data file. The full map image can also be exported (although this option may not be compatible with Chrome browsers).
March 25th, 2014 at 1:00 pm
When I click on the interactive map it goes to the page but the map is not showing in internet explorer: I would like to use this in our mock election 2014 newsletter coming in April
March 28th, 2014 at 2:09 pm
Hi Kim! Thanks for getting in touch. You can access the map here: — it should work on internet explorer. Make sure you have adobe flash player, because you will need that if you want the interactive features to work. You can email me directly at if you have additional questions.