CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

October 2013 E-Update

October 18th, 2013
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CIRCLE Releases Groundbreaking
New Report

On October 9th, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., CIRCLE presented “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement,” the report of its Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge.

Based in part on surveys from more than 6,000 young people and more than 700 civics and government teachers, the report presents new findings relevant to increasing youth voter turnout and improving civic education. It makes specific recommendations that are supported by cutting-edge research.

CIRCLE convened the Commission after the 2012 election to study youth political engagement, a complex and multifaceted issue. The members of the Commission are among the most distinguished scholarly experts on civic engagement, representing diverse disciplines, perspectives, and institutions.

You can view the full Commission report HERE.

The research was funded by the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, W.T. Grant Foundation, Robert R. McCormick Foundation, Spencer Foundation, and the Youth Engagement Fund. The Chicago Community Trust is supporting follow-up activities.


Resources and Discussion Guides for Education Leaders

“All Together Now” includes recommendations aimed at several different sectors of society: schools, lawmakers, advocates, and families, among others. All must work together to on the difficult but vital task of improving youth civic knowledge and engagement. Over the next six weeks, CIRCLE will be releasing specific recommendations on how various audiences can use the report.

Education associations have an especially crucial role to play. With that in mind, CIRCLE has created a discussion guide that leaders of these organizations can use to take full advantage of the report’s findings and suggested courses of action. Our recommendations include expanding professional development in civics, creating online spaces for teachers to share their experiences, and advocating for improved curricula and testing standards. Members of the CIRCLE staff are available to help organizations with any of these endeavors.

Find the guide HERE.

Stay connected to CIRCLE on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. Sign up here for CIRCLE’s monthly e-update.

CIRCLE In the News

CIRCLE’s Commission Report was featured on several media outlets:

The Shutdown Is Teaching Students How Not to Run a Country,” by Emily Richmond, The Atlantic, 10/9/2013

When Government Shuts Down, We’re Lying to Children, Says Civics Expert,” by Nikki Schwab, U.S. News and World Report, 10/9/2013

Report: Colleges Can Help Improve Youth Voter Turnout,” Inside Higher Ed, 10/10/2013

Talking Government With Kids,” Fawn Johnson, National Journal, 10/21/2103

Recipe for Improving Civic Education,” Trey Grayson and Peter Levine, The Hill’s Congress Blog, 10/15/2013

CIRCLE Director Peter Levine also participated in “Pledge of Allegiance Past Its Prime?,” NPR’s Tell Me More, 10/11/2013

CIRCLE Deputy Director Presents Research on Nonprofits and Voting

This week, CIRCLE Deputy Director Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg will be a featured panelist at two events. The first, on Oct. 22, is a luncheon briefing and discussion entitled “Can Nonprofits Increase Voting Among their Clients, Constituents, and Staff?” which will present research from CIRCLE and Nonprofit VOTE.

On Oct. 24, Kawashima-Ginsberg will present on the same topic at Nonprofit VOTE’s “Nonprofits Increase Voting: Findings from 2012” webinar.

RSVP for the luncheon HERE, and register for the webinar HERE.

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