CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

September 2015 E-Update

September 30th, 2015
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Analysis: GOP Candidates Should Reach Out to Youth

The 2016 election cycle is underway, with much of the news and attention so far focused on the race for the Republican nomination, so we began to look at national data on youth support for the Republican party. While many assume that young people are solidly Democratic voters, youth support has historically been competitive in presidential elections, and 43% of youth voted for a Republican in House races in 2014.

There is a solid group of young people who have affiliated with or supported the Republican party, and if candidates would like to mobilize these youth, they’ll need to do outreach.

Read more here for a summary of national data on youth and the Republican party.

Guest Post Series on Impact Measures: Critical Consciousness

As part of our efforts to promote conversation between research and practice, CIRCLE is hosting a guest post series about impact measures. The first post in the series is from a team of scholars who have developed a series of measures with young people intended to understand the status and changes to young people’s critical consciousness. The authors provide background on the concept and ideas for how the measures can be used by youth programs.

To read their post and access the measures click here. Also, join us on Facebook and Twitter for an ongoing conversation about impact measures. Look for more posts about impact measures on the CIRCLE site over the course of the fall.

Stay connected to CIRCLE on Facebook and Twitter to learn more. Sign up here for CIRCLE’s monthly e-update.

CIRCLE is Hiring:
Join Our Team!

CIRCLE is seeking a full-time Researcher to conduct research and to help manage some of CIRCLE’s research and evaluation projects. The Researcher will serve on a range of research projects. We’re looking for individuals with at least two years of significant work experience with applied research.

For more information, see an overview of the job here.

CIRCLE in the News

In the past month, data, analysis, and commentary from CIRCLE leaders has been prominently featured on various news outlets:

The Atlantic: “Why Civics Is About More Than Citizenship

CNN: “Rand Paul looks to students for his path to the White House

El Observador (Spanish): “Cómo mejorar la participación de votantes latinos en California” (How to improve the participation of Latino voters
in California)

© 2010 CIRCLE (The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)

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CIRCLE, is seeking a full-time Researcher to conduct research and to help manage some of CIRCLE’s research and evaluation projects. The Researcher will serve on a range of research projects that may include secondary data-analysis, literature reviews, field experiments, program evaluations and other original data collection (via survey or other methods). We’re looking for individuals with at least two years of significant work experience in an applied research environment (i.e. research as a tool rather than an end).

For more information, see an overview of the job here.

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