CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Themes Emphasized in Social Studies and Civics Classes

by Peter Levine and Mark Hugo Lopez February 2004 Based on CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2004. Download “Themes Emphasized in Social Studies and Civics Classes.”

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May 30th, 2007
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How Teachers’ Preparation Relates to Students’ Civic Knowledge and Engagement in the United States: Analysis from the IEA Civic Education Study

by Judith Torney-Purta, Carolyn Henry Barber, and Wendy Klandl Richardson April 2005 Based on IEA data. Examines how teachers are prepared to provide civic education as well as their attitudes toward civic education. Download “How Teachers’ Preparation Relates to Students’ Civic Knowledge and Engagement in the United States: Analysis from the IEA Civic Education Study.”

May 30th, 2007
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Participation in Sports and Civic Engagement

by Mark Hugo Lopez and Kimberlee Moore February 2006 Based on the 2002 CIRCLE National Youth Survey. Download “Participation in Sports and Civic Engagement.“

May 30th, 2007
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Federal Policies for Civic Education and Service

by Emily Hoban Kirby, Peter Levine, and Brent Elrod June 2006 Describes current federal laws and appropriations. Download “Federal Policies for Civic Education and Service.”

May 30th, 2007
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ECS Study Reveals Gaps in State-Level Policy Regarding Civic Education

In June 2006, The Education Commission of the States (ECS) National Center for Learning and Citizenship (NCLC) conducted a policy scan to define the current state of citizenship education. The study found that states were emphasizing knowledge of civics and government, obtained through traditional classroom instruction. Civic knowledge is necessary, but not sufficient; citizens also Read More >

April 19th, 2007
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