CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Summary

by Peter Levine and CIRCLE Staff October 2006 This fact sheet is a summary of key points from three fact sheets on higher education. Download “Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Summary.”

October 31st, 2006
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Civic Engagement among Recent College Graduates

by Mark Hugo Lopez and Brent A. Elrod October 2006 Based on data from Baccalaureate and Beyond 2000/2001 Longitudinal Survey and from the Current Population Survey September Supplements (1995 and 2005). Download “Civic Engagement among recent College Graduates.”

October 31st, 2006
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College Attendance and Civic Engagement Among 18 to 25 Year Olds

by Mark Hugo Lopez and Brent A. Elrod October 2006 Uses data from the Current Population Survey November Supplements (1984 to 2004) and the 2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation Survey. Download “College Attendance and Civic Engagement Among 18 to 25 Year Olds.”

October 31st, 2006
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CIRCLE Convenes Meeting on Immigrant Youth Civic Engagement

CIRCLE brought together leading scholars, practitioners and grant-makers to inform our ongoing research on the civic engagement of immigrant youth. Twenty-one participants gathered at The New School University, amidst growing political and media discussion of immigration laws and immigrants. The meeting sought to explore the specific characteristics of immigrant youth that might affect their civic Read More >

June 19th, 2006
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Working Paper 38: Giving Back to the Community: African American Inner City Teens and Civic Engagement

by Michelle M. Charles August 2005 “I conducted my study from April, 2003 to September, 2004. The entire project was intended to serve as a baseline case study for consideration by the national civic engagement activist community. My target population was Philadelphia African American teens ages 15 to 19 years old living in the most Read More >

August 31st, 2005
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