Action Civics
CIRCLE is part of the National Action Civics Collaborative and helped to organize the first Action Civics Conference on June 10-11 in Chicago. According to the Action Civics Declaration: Action Civics is an iterative process typically comprised of issue identification, research, constituency building, action, and reflection. The process is integral to building the skills, developing Read More >
Do Interactions with the Criminal Justice System have Civic Effects?
CIRCLE focuses on the half of the youth population without college experience. For many youth in low-income communities, the criminal justice system has significant effects on everyday life. Because of a lack of data, it is difficult to understand the civic effects of interactions with the criminal justice system. The following article highlights what research Read More >
A Tale of Two Cities: Civic Engagement in Minneapolis-St. Paul and Miami
On January 24 in Miami, the National Conference on Citizenship and its Florida and Minnesota partners released a report entitled Tale of Two Cities: Civic Heath in Miami and Minneapolis-St. Paul. Miami is the least civically engaged major city in the country, and Minneapolis-St. Paul is the most engaged metropolitan area. In both communities (as Read More >
CIRCLE’s Work on the Civic Engagement of Non-College Youth: A summary
The following gives a summary of this work and a brief overview of the findings regarding non-college youth. CIRCLE’s current work on non-college youth is divided into four areas: analysis of national surveys, focus groups with non-college youth, partnerships with organizations working with non-college youth, and finally, an agenda-setting convening of organizations working with non-college Read More >
New book: Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement and Youth
Broad in its coverage of topics, this book supports scholars, philanthropists, business leaders, government officials, teachers, parents, and community practitioners in their drive to engage more young people in community and civic actions. Thirteen of the authors are present or former CIRCLE grantees, board members, or staff. Download the article here.