CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

FEATURED: New CIRCLE Working Paper on K12 Civic Education

by Myiah J. Hutchens & William P. Eveland, Jr. August 2009 In CIRCLE Working Paper #65, the authors examine the effects of exposure to various elements of a civics curriculum on civic participation, two forms of political knowledge, internal political efficacy, political cynicism, news elaboration, discussion elaboration and various forms of interpersonal and mediated political Read More >

August 26th, 2009
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Sept 2009 (v6.i2) Edition of Around the CIRCLE

A new edition of the CIRCLE quarterly newsletter is available here. If you do not currently receive hard copies of the CIRCLE newsletter and would like to please email Emily Kirby at Articles: The Youth Vote 2008 The Changing Transition to Adulthood Millennials Most Progressive Generation in 50 years Considering the Role of Context Read More >

August 18th, 2009
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New Book: Engaging Young People in Civic Life

Vanderbilt University Press has published Engaging Young People in Civic Life, edited by James Youniss and by Peter Levine, with a forward by former United States Representative Lee Hamilton. This book originated in a meeting organized by CIRCLE and funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York. Many of the chapters are informed by CIRCLE-funded research Read More >

July 6th, 2009
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May 6th, 2009
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CIRCLE at AASCU American Democracy Project Meeting

Abby Kiesa and Emily Kirby will facilitate a workshop  – The 2008 Election and College Students: What Happened and What We Can Do to Keep Students Engaged.

Categories: Research Topics
April 9th, 2009
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