187,000 Young Voters Participate in Virginia Primaries; 137,000 in Maryland Primaries
February 2008 Washington, DC – 16 percent of eligible Virginia citizens under the age of 30 participated in the Virginia primaries, according to preliminary analysis by CIRCLE. 15 percent in the Maryland primaries. Read the Virginia press release here. Read the Maryland press release here.
FEATURED: The Youth Vote in the 2008 Early Contests (NH, MI, NV, SC, & FL)
Based on entrance poll data provided by Edison/Mitofsky, this fact sheet analyzes the demographic make-up of young voters in NH, MI, NV, SC & FL, as well as information on young people’s top issues and vote choices. Voter turnout data is also presented (see Table below).
The Youth Vote in the 2008 Iowa Caucus
by Emily Hoban Kirby, Peter Levine, and Karlo Barrios Marcelo January 2008 Based on entrance poll data provided by Edison/Mitofsky, this fact analyzes the demographic make-up of each party’s caucus-goers, as well as information on young people’s top issues and vote choices. Voter turnout data is also presented. Download The Youth Vote in the 2008 Read More >