CIRCLE Launches Online Seminar to Discuss Youth Engagement Report
To enhance and broaden the discussions around the report of our Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge, we have developed a FREE, five-week, open online seminar that will extend research and recommendations from the report.
Young People and the Osama bin Laden News
Yesterday, I was on KCBS radio news in San Francisco discussing why spontaneous public celebrations of the death of Osama bin Laden seem to draw mainly young adults. (A typical headline is this, from the New York Times: “9/11 Inspires Student Patriotism and Celebration.”) Given the format of drive-time radio news, I just had time Read More >
Not Quite Adults
Richard Settersten and Barbara E. Ray have published Not Quite Adults: Why 20-Somethings Are Choosing a Slower Path to Adulthood and Why It’s Good for Everyone (Bantam 2010). Their book is a product of the MacArthur Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood and Public Policy, an ambitious collaborative project that also yielded, among many other Read More >
New book: Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement and Youth
Broad in its coverage of topics, this book supports scholars, philanthropists, business leaders, government officials, teachers, parents, and community practitioners in their drive to engage more young people in community and civic actions. Thirteen of the authors are present or former CIRCLE grantees, board members, or staff. Download the article here.
2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation
2006 CPHS Data Sets The 2006 National Civic and Political Health Survey (CPHS) is the most up-to-date and detailed look at how young Americans are participating in politics and communities and their attitudes towards government and current issues. Download the 2006 CPHS survey in the following formats: SAS (.xpt file) SPSS (.por file) SPSS (.sav Read More >