CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

YOUNG VOTERS AND THE HORSERACE: 52.1% Obama v. 35.1% Romney

In Three Months, Intention to Vote Rises 9.9  Points CIRCLE today released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Surveying the Read More >

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October 29th, 2012
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#YouthTruth: Civic Skills Crucial at Election Time – But Are these Skills Taught to Youth?

An effective actor needs civic skills. That is evident every election season, when citizens must navigate state voting laws, assess various policies and positions,  and make important choices about whom and what to support. And it’s at this time of the year that the conversation about candidates, policies and issues reaches its height . Citizens Read More >

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October 24th, 2012
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Once Again, Data Points to the Power of the Ask

During the summer we polled nearly 1,700 youth, 18 to 29 years old, about the election. Among many questions, we asked what would influence the respondents to vote. There was a clear answer: ask. Almost half of young respondents reported that being asked by a friend or a parent would or might influence them to Read More >

October 2nd, 2012
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What’s All the Fuss About “Election Enthusiasm”?

If you have been paying attention to the news over the past few weeks, it would be difficult to miss references to “election enthusiasm.” Many references are in relation to President Obama’s ability, or lack thereof, to re-build the almost-mythical support and energy of 2008. While “election enthusiasm” is a vague concept, it’s difficult not Read More >

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September 17th, 2012
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“That’s Not Democracy.” How Out-of-School Youth Engage in Civic Life and What Stands in Their Way

CIRCLE is releasing a major new study today, “That’s Not Democracy.” How Out-of-School Youth Engage in Civic Life and What Stands in Their Way. Many practitioners informed this project, which was in collaboration with the Charles F. Kettering Foundation. Executive Summary |  Full Report A vibrant and thriving democracy requires a deeply engaged and active citizenry. “Civic Read More >

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August 23rd, 2012
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