CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Youth Engagement by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender

August 13th, 2014
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Our Quick Facts pages provide an overview of major data points and trends on each topic and provide links to key research products. We recently updated the Quick Facts on Trends by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender.

Highlights include:

  • Electoral engagement—voter turnout, vote choice, party ID—can differ significantly by sub-group. In 2012, Young Black and Hispanic women were most likely to identify as Democrat and vote for President Obama.
  • Patterns can also emerge by sub-group in other forms of engagement. For example, in both 2008 and 2010, young women were more likely than young men to be “broadly engaged,” defined as being likely to engage in all types of civic and political behaviors.
  • There are also important differences in civic outcomes by sub-groups. For example, research has documented troubling differences in exposure to high quality civic learning at the K-12 level by race, district socioeconomics, and college attendance goals.

For more on major trends in civic engagement among youth by race, ethnicity, and gender, see the Quick Facts page. CIRCLE conducts sub-group analysis in the great majority of our work, including by educational experience. That work can be seen in the Trends research area and across the site.

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