CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement


CIRCLE blog posts


Voting with their Wallets: The Largely Untapped Potential of Youth As Political Donors

Donating to a political campaign is an important form of civic participation. It’s one of many ways that individuals can be engaged in an election, and offer concrete support to the party or candidate that they feel will advance their interests and represent their values. Increasingly, particularly among Democrats, some of whom shun large corporate Read More >

September 13th, 2019
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Growing Voters: Engaging Youth Before they Reach Voting Age to Strengthen Democracy

Note: This analysis has been edited to reflect an updated calculation of voter turnout for youth ages 18-19. We initially stated that turnout rate was 22%; the correct number, reflected below, is 23%. The updated calculation also changed our language about turnout for this age group in specific states. We invite you to read the Read More >

August 14th, 2019
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New National Youth Turnout Estimate: 28% of Young People Voted in 2018

We recently released estimates of 2018 midterm youth voter turnout in all 42 states for which  youth voting data are available in the voter files. Our analyses found that, in every single state, young people’s turnout rate increased compared to 2014. Based on the data from those 42 states (which represent 94% of the American Read More >

May 30th, 2019
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Final Analysis of State-by-State Youth Voter Turnout Shows Increases Across the Country

Last month, CIRCLE released 2018 midterm youth turnout estimates for 34 states in two separate posts: here and here. Today, we are publishing youth turnout estimates for the last eight states for which reliable data are available[1]. Both individually and taken together, these turnout estimates confirm and add context to the overall trend of higher Read More >

May 20th, 2019
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Youth Voting Rose in 2018 Despite Concerns over the State of American Democracy

After the 2016 presidential election, we found that youth were deeply uncertain about the state of democracy in the United States. Declining trust in government and democratic institutions has been growing over time, and according to the Pew Research Center, the election of a President that most Americans see as lacking respect for democratic institutions Read More >

April 17th, 2019
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