CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement


CIRCLE blog posts


State by State Youth Voter Turnout in 2012

In 2012, national youth voter turnout was 45%. However, youth turnout varied greatly by state. Our new state-by-state interactive map (slide one on includes detailed information on young people in 2012 as well as historical data on youth voter turnout and youth vote choice. Among the states that had sufficiently large samples, youth turnout Read More >

May 21st, 2013
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Turning Engagement into Civic & Political Leadership among Young Women

A few weeks ago, CIRCLE Lead Researcher, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, presented at a White House gathering on Girls’ Leadership and Civic Education. Persistent gender gaps in public leadership prompt questions about how we educate, entertain and engage young people – especially women – in civic leadership roles. Girls and young women are ahead of their male Read More >

May 7th, 2013
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Women are Committed Civic Actors but We Still Have Much to Go

This is the first in a series of posts about women and civic engagement. Last Monday, CIRCLE Lead Researcher, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, spoke at a White House conference on girls’ leadership and civic education. The purpose of the conference was to discuss how to close the gender gap in public leadership by educating and engaging young Read More >

May 6th, 2013
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Lack of Information and Engagement Make Presidential and Midterm Years Different for Youth

Even though it’s been barely five months since the 2012 election, conversations about the 2014 midterm and future election cycles are already afoot. People are asking what we can expect in 2014 from young people and what can be done to boost midterm youth turnout. Data from past midterm elections predict that, unless things change, Read More >

April 16th, 2013
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Immigration and the 2012 Election

A new CIRCLE fact sheet uses post-election youth polling to examine young people’s views of immigration reform and how youth with recent immigrant backgrounds participated in the 2012 election. Only a relatively small portion of young Americans rated immigration as their top issue in the 2012 election, yet those young people overwhelmingly favored creating paths Read More >

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February 21st, 2013
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