CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement


CIRCLE blog posts


Updated Estimate: Youth Turnout was 50% in 2012; Youth Turnout in Battleground States 58%

On Wednesday, CIRCLE released our exclusive estimate of youth voter turnout in the 2012 election. With more votes counted, we have updated our estimate, and we now show that 50% of youth turned out to vote. Our updated data estimate is that 23 million youth voted in the 2012 election. We also updated our estimates Read More >

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November 9th, 2012
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EARLY EXIT POLLS: Youth Represent 19% of Voters, Up 1 Point from 2008

CIRCLE to Release Exclusive Turnout Estimate Tomorrow Joint Press Call w/ Rock the Vote at 12noon (ET) to Discuss Turnout & Provide Analysis Medford/Somerville, Mass. – Young people (ages 18-29) represented 19% of the voters in today’s election, with President Obama winning the majority of those votes over Governor Romney by 60% to 36% 37% Read More >

November 6th, 2012
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Campaign Contact in Battleground States

CIRCLE released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election last week. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Surveying the same people twice provides powerful evidence of change Read More >

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November 5th, 2012
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Outreach to youth: 11.5% of college youth but just 5.8% of non-college youth have been contacted on behalf of Obama; 3.5% of college youth and 6.6% of non-college youth for Romney

On Monday, CIRCLE released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Surveying the same people twice provides powerful evidence of change Read More >

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November 1st, 2012
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Since Summer, Obama Gains 10 Points with African-American Youth and 14 Points with Latino youth

On Monday, CIRCLE released a groundbreaking poll of young people’s views of the election. The survey, commissioned by the Youth Education Fund, is unique in that it polled 1,695 youth (ages 18-29) in June/July and 1,109 of the same youth between October 12 and 23. Surveying the same people twice provides powerful evidence of change Read More >

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October 31st, 2012
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