CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement


CIRCLE blog posts


23% of Youth Vote in Alabama, Propel Doug Jones to Victory

Young people made their voices heard in yesterday’s Senate special election in Alabama with an estimated turnout rate of 23% and a decisive preference for Democratic candidate Doug Jones, contributing to Jones’ win over Roy Moore in a close election with a margin of victory of 21,000 votes. In a closely watched race with significant Read More >

December 13th, 2017
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Virginia Youth Voter Turnout Doubled between 2009 and 2017, Estimates Suggest

In what could be an early indicator of young people’s political engagement and mobilization after the contentious 2016 presidential race—and ahead of the 2018 midterms—youth turnout surged in Virginia, and in both gubernatorial races young people strongly preferred the Democratic candidates. If the Virginia and New Jersey exit polls captured precise and accurate estimates of Read More >

November 8th, 2017
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Boston Highlights Potential, Challenges in Off-Year Electoral Engagement

Bostonians of all ages voted for their mayor and for other important city positions yesterday and, as in many other cities across the country and in state elections in places like New Jersey and Virginia, questions abound about young people’s participation in these off-year contests. Because data on votes by age aren’t available from exit Read More >

November 8th, 2017
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New Data: Updated RAYSE Index Strengthens Tool for Stakeholders

Earlier this year we launched the RAYSE Index (Reaching All Youth Strengthens Engagement), which embodies CIRCLE’s vision that research data can and should enhance the quantity, equality, and impact of youth civic engagement. The RAYSE Index is designed to inform program and outreach investment decisions (time, money, or people) by highlighting the county-level conditions, assets, Read More >

Categories: CIRCLE Blog
October 31st, 2017
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CIRCLE Seeks a Senior Researcher

CIRCLE is seeking a Senior Researcher with deep backgrounds in quantitative research methodologies, and varied experience in planning and executing research projects of various scales, independently and as part of a professional team. The Senior Researcher will be a Tufts University employee and will work in the main CIRCLE office on the Tufts campus in Read More >

Categories: CIRCLE Blog
August 11th, 2017
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