CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

News & Entertainment Media

This series of research products address the news and entertainment media and civic engagement. Examples include the young adults’ sources of news and the relationship between television consumption and civic engagement.

RSSNews & Entertainment Media

Young People and Political Campaigning on the Internet

by Peter Levine and Mark Hugo Lopez January 2004 Based on CEG/CIRCLE Youth Survey 2004. Compares support for different online campaign techniques by generation. Download “Young People and Political Campaigning on the Internet.”

January 31st, 2004
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Attention to Media and trust in Media Sources

by Jo-Ann Amadeo, Judith Torney-Purta, and Carolyn Henry Barber January 2004 Based on data from the IEA Civic Education study. Compares American youth’s exposure to media, use of media, and trust in government and media sources, and political knowledge with that of youth from other developed nations. Download “Attention to Media and trust in Media Read More >

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January 31st, 2004
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Media Use Among Young People

by Michael Olander January 2003 Based on CIRCLE Civic & Political Health 2002 survey, GSS data from 1972-2000. Tracks trends in media consumption by age groups and media type. Download “Media Use Among Young People.”

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January 31st, 2003
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