Non-College Youth
This series of research products addresses: the demographics of non-college youth, voting and volunteering patterns among this demographic group, and military experience among young people with college experience.
RSSNon-College Youth
Guest Post – The Power of Youth-led Organizations: Combining Issue Organizing, Voter Engagement, and Leadership Development
This guest post is the first in a series about whether and how youth electoral engagement can have broader goals, including connections to civic life and democracy more generally. Join us on Twitter and Facebook to discuss the content and implications, and keep an eye out for future posts and a culminating event for this Read More >
College Student-Heavy Counties Support Sanders, Play Major Role in Iowa Caucus
Monday’s Iowa Democratic caucuses saw youth overwhelmingly support Senator Bernie Sanders, choosing him over Secretary Hillary Clinton by 84% to 14% and propelling him to a near-tie in the first-in-the-nation contest. A new CIRCLE analysis shows that Senator Sanders’ success is related to strong support from Iowa counties with sizable college student populations. That is Read More >
2014 Midterms: Lessons from the 2010 Elections about Turnout among Registered Youth
With the 2014 midterm elections just over the horizon, conversations have begun about the potential influence of youth. CIRCLE has been studying this issue for some time. Youth participation is consistently lower in midterm elections than in presidential elections. Even when youth turnout in presidential elections has risen, midterm turnout has remained roughly the same. Read More >
Youth Engagement in Extracurricular Activities and the Social Class Divide
Young people in the United States are starkly divided in how they use their leisure time. Some exclusively pursue their artistic or athletic passions and eschew other types of activities. Others spend their time on academic clubs, perhaps “building their resume” with an eye toward applying to selective universities. Still others are mostly disengaged from Read More >
Crucial Role for Higher Ed in Building Youth Civic Engagement
There are deep inequalities in youth civic knowledge and participation across socioeconomic levels that must be addressed to strengthen our democracy, and there is a vital role for universities and other institutions of higher education, not only in promoting youth engagement, but also closing this gap.