CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Race, Gender, and Immigrant Status

This series of research products addresses youth civic engagement indicators based on race, ethnicity, gender and immigrant status.

RSSRace, Gender, and Immigrant Status

A Midwestern Mosaic: Immigration and Political Socialization in Rural America

J. Celeste Lay of Tulane University has published A Midwestern Mosaic: Immigration and Political Socialization in Rural America (Temple University Press, 2012). This book originated with a CIRCLE dissertation grant in 2003-4. It examines the impact of rapid ethnic diversification in small Iowa towns on two main sets of outcomes for adolescents – tolerance for Read More >

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July 3rd, 2012
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2010 College Student Voting – Part 2

While youth voter turnout does vary greatly by educational experience, there is a difference even within any given education grouping. For example, our 2010 election fact sheet explains that if we break-down college students by race/ethnicity, voter turnout looked like the following*: 29.6% Black college students 27.4% White college students 22.7% Hispanic college students You Read More >

June 8th, 2011
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Turnout by Education, Race and Gender and Other 2008 Youth Voting Statistics

November 2008 Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Medford, MA – Now that the dust has settled from a record turnout of young voters, new research reveals young Americans voted for Obama across party and racial lines, but youth with no college experience were underrepresented at the polls, according to Tisch College’s Read More >

November 24th, 2008
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Immigrant Youth & Civic Engagement

Applied Development Science has published a special issue on immigrant civic engagement. Two articles are by CIRCLE staff and three other articles are the products of CIRCLE grants. “Immigrant Civic Engagement: New Translations” by Lene Arnett Jensen and Constance A. Flanagan “South Florida’s Immigrant Youth and Civic Engagement: Major Engagement: Minor Differences” by Alex Stepick, Read More >

May 19th, 2008
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CIRCLE Working Paper 59: Democracy for Some–The Civic Opportunity Gap in High School

by Joseph Kahne and Ellen Middaugh February 2008 In our study of high school civic opportunities, we found that a student’s race and academic track, and a school’s average socioeconomic status (SES) determines the availability of the school-based civic learning opportunities that promote voting and broader forms of civic engagement. High school students attending higher Read More >

February 27th, 2008
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