CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

March 2016 E-Update

March 23rd, 2016
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Estimate of Total Youth Votes in the 2016 Primaries and Caucuses

Young people have been voting in record numbers this primary season, especially in Republican contests, while in Democratic primaries the overwhelming youth support for Senator Bernie Sanders has helped him stay competitive against Secretary Hillary Clinton.

So far (not counting Tuesday’s contests in Arizona, Utah, and Idaho) we estimate that well over 1.5 million young people have voted for Sanders, more than have voted for Clinton and Trump, combined.

Check out our full analysis and visualization of total youth votes cast for the remaining candidates in the 2016 primaries, and read the Washington Post’s write-up of our data.

Young People Shattered Participation Records in March 15 Primaries

Youth in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, and North Carolina cast ballots in unprecedented numbers during the March 15 primaries in those states, while youth voting fell slightly from 2008 levels in Ohio.

On the Democratic side, young voters preferred Senator Sanders in all five states. On the Republican side, they chose three different candidates: Senator Cruz in Missouri and North Carolina, Governor Kasich in Ohio, and Donald Trump in Florida and Illinois.

The results from this latest and critical round of primaries continued to demonstrate that young people are active and ideologically diverse and complex.

Read more, and find all our primary coverage at the
CIRCLE 2016 Election Center.

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Practitioners Across the Country Working with Youth on Electoral Engagement

Throughout the 2016 primary season, we have been collecting and sharing reflections from practitioners from around the nation who used their state’s primary or caucus as an opportunity to engage young people.

These reflections come from different types of organizations—from news media, to schools, to nonprofits— since building sustainable opportunities for youth engagement requires engagement from multiple sectors.

Read reflections from IowaNew HampshireIllinois, and more.

CIRCLE in the News

In the past month, CIRCLE data and analysis have been prominently featured in various news outlets:

– New York Times: “Sanders Strength with Young People Shouldn’t Be Underestimated “

– Fox News: “Trump and Clinton both have problems with young voters. Here’s how it could cost them

– TIME: “Young Voters Didn’t Back Trump, Clinton on ‘Super Tuesday 2’

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