CIRCLE (The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement)
conducts research on the civic and political engagement of young Americans.
The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

Millennials Talk Politics: A Study of College Student Political Participation

November 7, 2007 College students in the United States are hungry for political conversation that is authentic, involves diverse views and is free of manipulation and “spin,” according to Millennials Talk Politics, a new report released on November 7th, 2007 by CIRCLE and The Charles F. Kettering Foundation. Nearly 400 students convened in 47 focus Read More >

November 7th, 2007
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Around the CIRCLE- V.5 I.1 Fall 2007

Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v5.i1–Fall 2007), Around the CIRCLE, from here.  This issue includes the following articles: Table of Contents 1 Common Social Studies Teaching Practices and their Civic Outcomes RESEARCH ROUNDUP 4 CIRCLE Jointly Hosts Summer Youth Mapping Program 6 New Book by Circle Grantee, Nicholas V. Longo: “Why Community Read More >

October 25th, 2007
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Around the CIRCLE– V4.I2 January 2007

Download the latest edition of CIRCLE’s quarterly publication (v4.i2–January 2007), Around the CIRCLE, from here.  This issue includes the following articles: Table of Contents High School Civic Engagement Activities Produce Academic Benefits Research Roundup The Civic Effects of Higher Education Youth Population on the Rise in 2006 A Teacher’s Perspective on Closing the Civic Gap Read More >

January 13th, 2007
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Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Summary

by Peter Levine and CIRCLE Staff October 2006 This fact sheet is a summary of key points from three fact sheets on higher education. Download “Higher Education and Civic Engagement: Summary.”

October 31st, 2006
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Working Paper 39: Modern Universities, Absent Citizenship? Historical Perspectives

by William Talcott September 2005 “The historical study of university campuses can tell us much about the changing character and presuppositions of citizenship. Likewise, the study of citizenship can shed considerable light on the nature of universities.” Download here (PDF).

September 1st, 2005
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